As you approach your second (or subsequent) birth you are wiser, more experienced and clearer about what you’d like your breastfeeding journey to look like.
Unfortunately, given the statistics of breastfeeding rates in the UK, it is likely that your first breastfeeding journey didn’t go quite as planned. One of the most fulfilling aspects of my work is working with second time mums to give them a more positive outcome for their breastfeeding journey this time around.
In my prenatal readiness package, we first meet during your pregnancy to debrief your last experience, and to build a realistic and positive plan for this time around. This is then followed up by two home visits after birth and on-going telephone/text support for six weeks after the birth.
This package includes:
A private prenatal meeting in your home: (generally around 60 mins)
Debrief and understanding of previous breastfeeding experiences
Discussion of your breastfeeding goals
Practising latching techniques
How to identify when breastfeeding is going well (and when it’s not)
The information is completely tailored to suit your circumstances.
A post birth meeting in your home: (generally around 90 mins)
Meeting held at your convenience in the week after birth
Help with specific issues that arise
Warm non-judgmental support
Practical, hands-on tips for improving mother and baby comfort
Assessment of milk transfer
A follow-up meeting anytime within the first month (generally around 60 mins)
This meeting offers a chance to evaluate how the feeding plan has been working for you both, and to discuss any further options that you would like to explore or additional questions that you might have.
Ongoing telephone/email/text support before the birth and for six weeks afterwards
Cost of this package: £360. To book please complete the form below or call 07783507973
Appointments can be rescheduled/cancelled with at least 24hrs notice. After this time no refunds or cancellations can be accepted.
“After breastfeeding my older son with cracked nipples for months and months I was extremely anxious about my number two. After your visit, I felt there is hope. Hearing your kind words and belief in me and my little boy and knowing you were just on the other end of the line for as long as I needed helped me preserve and use your techniques and tips. Just ten days after birth and I am pain free and happily feeding my boy. We are both forever grateful…” Adi